The Catz Meow Cat Talk and More on the Pampurred Blog
I have expanded the About Me section of my web page. Now you can experience a little of my pet sitting business as it was in Forks for 13 years. Go check it out!
by Missy of Pampered Pets Pet Sitting in Columbia Maryland How To Train A Cat To Walk With A HarnessHow do you train a cat to walk on a leash? It’s easier than you may think! These six tips tell you how. 1. You’ll need a harness that’s comfortable, sturdy and easy to put on. Cats […]
Cat paw prints on a Caddy. I am easy to amuse, the other day I was amused by cat tracks on a Cadillac. When I walked past the back window, it had temp. tags, so it’s brand new. It was cat tracks on cars that gave me the idea to use vinyl cat and dog […]
One my client’s cat litter has left dust at least two feet up the wall from the litter boxes. When I pour it in the box it creates a huge cloud. Your cats inhale that dust and it can lead to problems, especially clumping litter dust. I use a corn based unscented litter that clumps and […]
Monty the pawsome cat with a chromosomal mutation, born without a nasal bridge. I am loving this snuggle place! http://bit.ly/15WmqZE
Maggie One reason your cat maybe missing the litter box. Maggie was our miss the box no matter what I did girl. I finally figured out she did not bend her legs to go, so she would pee out of the box. Poor little one, thought she was in, but her little rear was not. […]
Cats are good therapy for everyone. Go meet Mia @ assisted living. http://bit.ly/1C3i0uC
#Battle Ground~CatSitter
I putting up fliers in Battle Ground today. I met some new folks & talked cats and small business. Everyone enjoyed the catnip infused toys!
Otis loved Duncan. We are slowly adapting to our dog being gone. It’s tough when we come home and he’s not there. At night I still think I need to put him out before bed. I sure miss him “cleaning” up. Our cats get a scoop of wet food in the AM to help keep […]